No more worries

The all-in-one software for your business

Booking to billing in one flow. Get the full power of Shore: POS, Booking & Marketing.

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Continuous development

Continuous development

We actively develop Shore using the feedback of our customers.

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Unfortunately there is not enough space

to show you all of our features in detail. It's best to see for yourself and test the Shore POS free of charge and without obligation. Or you can book a demo and we will guide you through the software personally.

Choose the right package for you

See the overview

Why Shore is the best choice for your business!


Made in Germany

Not developed with a focus on the DACH market

100% legal certainty for your company

Unclear compliance with legal requirements

English-speaking support

No telephone support, support only in one language

10 years of expertise in the beauty and retail industry

No real experience in the industry, no contact with large chains

Everything you need from a single source

No need for expensive third-party software or hardware

No acquisition costs beyond your iPad

High acquisition costs for clunky systems

No hidden fees

Fees per booking or per staff memberr

Easy to find booking page on Google

Booking pages not on page 1 on Google

More Google reviews thanks to Customer Feedback+ / Customer display

No active management of reviews

Official Instagram and Facebook booking function

Cumbersome booking outside the official apps

Can be terminated monthly, freedom of contract, low risk

Long commitment, confusing deadlines, high level of commitment

Do you want to get to know Shore?

Get in touch with us for your very own consultation with a Shore team member, or get started straightaway!

Your personal consultation

  • Check out all Shore product features
  • Custom made for your business
  • Personalized consultation for you and your team
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we support you
we support you
we support you

Free 14-day trial

  • No payment information required
  • No installation necessary
  • Free 14-day trial ends automatically

SSL encrypted

Top-notch data privacy standards and SSL encryption protect your information from unauthorized access.

ISO certified servers

Our servers and databases are ISO certified and housed in Germany.

Daily data backup

Daily backup of data and redundant storage at different sites.